
Hi, I’m Sharon. Welcome to 15 minutes of green

Gardening vs life

My garden brings me a huge amount of joy. I love plants and wildlife and relish being outside. BUT, with a full-time job that keeps me at a desk for most of the day, and countless other commitments, I can’t always spend the time I would like to on it … and that used to stress me out.

15 minutes, every day

You can do anything for 15 minutes … including gardening. So, I set myself a challenge: to make ’15 minutes of green’ a daily habit.

I now try to do something useful in the garden for at least 15 minutes every day, because 15 minutes of weeding, digging, planting or pruning every day adds up to more than 90 hours of gardening a year. And that’s a lot of gardening!

It means I no longer have to cram all the jobs into the weekend  … and I’m enjoying the time I spend in the garden again.

Perfectly imperfect

I’m also trying to quell my inner perfectionist, as I am beginning to realise that no garden is ever perfect; in fact, my garden is perfectly imperfect. It’s always changing and there are always things that need doing, but I am learning to delight in the little things and to be content in my garden at any given moment in time.

Join me

Here, I share what’s happening in ‘my happy place’ (aka the garden), including gardening tasks that can be achieved 15 minutes at a time.

If your garden has become overwhelming or you never seem to get around to it, I hope you will give the 15 minutes of green approach a go and learn to love your green space again. We need them more than ever right now!!

Please do share your experiences and tips with me and others, either by leaving a comment on this site, or on Twitter or Facebook. I’d love to hear from you.


  1. There is no gardening without humility. Nature is constantly sending even its oldest scholars to the bottom of the class for some egregious blunder.

  2. Hello! I just found you while looking for a natural remedy for rust on my baby pear trees and also for friends. I’m in Seattle, very far away! If we were closer I would want to go and help in each other’s gardens and in those of other followers. I will continue to follow along.

  3. Sharon I’ve just found you! I didn’t even know I was looking! Love your site, it’s beautifully written and photographed. Will be here now for the duration ..
    Thank you, LJx

  4. What a great idea for 15 mins a day!! I’ve been too cold to go out for weeks! I’ve just been out now and pruned a few things and it’s started pouring do you think that’s ok as I know you aren’t meant to prune in rain?!

    • Hi Charlotte, just to hear someone else has given it a go is fabulous. It really does work! Pruning when it’s wet isn’t ideal, but our gardens are very forgiving and we can only do what we can when we can. It’s been so cold lately (even 15 minutes made my fingers numb the other week) and now the cold has been replaced by more rain so everything is sodden. But keep chipping away at it. 15 minutes in the fresh air, cold or wet, has to be a good thing right now. Take care!

  5. Lovely site Sharon. Love the snowy picture, we may get more tomorrow!

  6. Great site Sharon you have a new follower…..
    Grandad the Grey

  7. Love the site…great idea!

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